Sunday 6 August 2017

Dear Friends, Welcome to SNS Infomedia.

Dear Friends, Welcome to SNS Infomedia.

Hi Friend's, i am Sagar Mehta.

SNS Infomedia” is a YouTube channel for videos based on Various Topics!

In this Channel I will be going to show you videos on various topics like: Famous People, Entrepreneur, Celebrities, Places to visit, Places where you might not visit, Crazy things, Unexplained Things, Sports Person, Mythology, History, Future, Technology and a plethora (maximum) of other topics! Also I will be showing you some Secret Stories about Entrepreneur, Celebrities, Sports Person, and Places who I know.

Our Mission is to get the Silver Play Button as soon as possible (100,000 Subscribers). It can only be done by your Support.

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My other video’s that you can Watch, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE:
1. The Luckiest People in The World : 

Happens When You Quit Smoking?

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
Winding down and relaxing without a cigarette may seem like a totally unrealistic goal to begin with but once you battle through the nicotine cravings and frustration, you'll find quitting smoking is a lot easier than you thought. You'll look and feel 10 years younger, dramatically reduce your risk of a heart attack, stroke and cancer, smell gorgeous and be better off to start a family! (And that's not even half of it.)

As soon as you stop smoking your body begins to repair itself. Typical benefits of quitting smoking are as follows:
Within 6 hours
  • Your heart rate slows down and your blood pressure becomes more stable.
Within a day
  • Almost all of the nicotine is out of your bloodstream.
  • The level of carbon monoxide in your blood has dropped and oxygen can more easily reach your heart and muscles.     
  • Your fingertips become warmer and your hands steadier.
Within a week
  • Your sense of taste and smell may improve.
  • Your lungs’ natural cleaning system is starting to recover, becoming better at removing mucus, tar and dust from your lungs (exercise helps to clear out your lungs).
  • You have higher blood levels of protective antioxidants such as vitamin C.
Within 3 months
  • You’re coughing and wheezing less.
  • Your immune system is beginning its recovery so your body is better at fighting off infection.
  • Your blood is less thick and sticky and blood flow to your hands and feet has improved.
Within 6 months
  • You are less likely to be coughing up phlegm.
  • You're likely to feel less stressed than when you were smoking.
After 1 year
  • Your lungs are now healthier and you’ll be breathing easier than if you’d kept smoking.
Within 2 to 5 years
  • There is a large drop in your risk of heart attack and stroke and this risk will continue to gradually decrease over time.
  • For women, within five years, the risk of cervical cancer is the same as someone who has never smoked.
After 10 years
  • Your risk of lung cancer is lower than that of a continuing smoker (provided the disease was not already present when you quit.
After 15 years
  • Your risk of heart attack and stroke is close to that of a person who has never smoked.
To Watch A Video on This Topic, Click Here: 
I hereby declare that:
All Images use to make this video is from Google search website i.e. “”. Google Advanced Search is also used to find all images, usage rights: “free to use, share or modify”.  Background sound of the video I have collect from free music website like
Source of information taken from: